
People with predominant Vata constitutions are generally vibrant with an enthusiasism for life. Artistically inclined individuals, who generate great ideas , and march to their own beat,  can adapt, and makes changes with quick speech and movement, like the wind they come and go in a flash. Vata people make excellent natural healers, with their warm, fun and light hearted personality. They do not like the cold, and may suffer in the Autume and Winter months, dryness in the body can be the cause of many problems.  Vata people tend to be tall or short in height and usually thin in weight.

Qualities of Vata Dosha

Dryness can present itself in the body as rough, dry skin, and hair. Vata people should limit their intake of cold and drying foods, they need to eat regularly throughout the day as a their appetite and digestion tends to vary.

Cold , vata people can easily suffer with the cold hands and feet, too much coldness can cause all sorts of problems, leading to cracked skin, poor circulation and  tending towards constipation.  To keep Vata people happy, eat less dry, cold foods, maintain a warm enviroment and reqular routine.

Light, (laghu). Vata people tend to be on have thin body frames with light muscles, and are often underweight, more so than either pitta or Kapha people. Vata people tend to walk and talk fast, constantly on the move, ( vata governs mobvement and communication) and enjoys travelling.

Rough, Vata people have cracked or rough skin, feet, lips, and joints. They are also one of the most sensitive types to cold, windy enivorments.

Mobile , (Saram) vata people are like butterflies fliting from place to place, tending to move around alot, are fast thinkers attending to many things at once.

Subtle (drava) vata people can experience subtle emotions of fear, anxiety and insecurity, they can become dreamers, so is important for vata people keep a good routine for sleeping and eating.

When in balanced, Vata people are loving, warm and friendly, they tend to be good natural healers or artists, and are able to generate great ideas, with clarity of  mind and make money quickly.

When out of balance Vata people are worriers and can experience anxiousness, indecisive, scattered, nervouness, and fear of loneliness, they are also tend to suffer with dry. rough skin nfections and  may experience interrupted sleep, and pain in the body.

What drives a Vata to become out of balance.

Food – dry, cold and light foods,  cold drinks, too many stimulants (coffee, chocolate, smoking) eating at iregular times.

Sleep – Lack of sleep , late nights.

Energy – Doing too many things at once, over stimulated mind, lack of routine.