
People with predominant Pitta constitutions are generally ambitious and have strong desires for achievement. Highly intelligent individuals, with a sharp mind and good insight, they always like to take charge, have control and are focused innovators.They are often passionate in their nature, and can dominate a conversation.They do not like the heat, and their eyes are sensitive to sunlight. Pitta types are extroverted, passionate and love to be a shining light in the crowd. Pitta people are of medium height and weight, their skin can be soft, and lustrous. Having a strong metabolism, pitta people enjoy food and have a good appetite and digestion.

Qualities of Pitta Dosha

Oily, can present itself in the body as oily skin, oily hair, or acne. Pitta people should limit their intake of fatty and fried foods , as they have a hard time tolerating oily foods in their diet.

Heat , pitta people can easily get overly heated, a dislike of too much heat can cause all sorts of problems, unbalanced Pittas are prone to inflammation, heartburn, and ulcers. Preferring a cooler climate and environment. To keep Pitta cool, eat less hot & spicy foods, and keep alcohol to a minimum.

Light, (laghu). The quality of Pitta is different to the light, quality of Vata dosha. Pittas tend to be very sensitive to bright lights and sunlight, they are prone to moles, freckles and melanoma, more so than either Vata or Kapha people. They tend to wear glasses and need sunglasses during the daytime. Pitta people have strong appetites and can get light headed if they do not eat on time.

Fleshy, Pitta people sweat a lot and have a unique and strong, fleshy smell. They are also one of the most sensitive types to scents and fragrances.

Spreading, (Saram) Pitta people like to spread their personalities around, so everyone knows their name, in the same sense Pitta diseases, like to spread throughout the body, like infections , fever, inflammation, hives, and rashes.

Liquid, (drava) Pitta people can get very thirsty, sweat, and urinate alot. Pitta dosha is made up of mainly fire element with alittle water element. Consuming too many liquids around meals, especially ice cold,  will impair agni, that inturn effect the digestive fire. This quality may manifest in the form of excess stomach acids.

When in balanced, Pitta people are passionate, warm and friendly, they tend to be natural leaders, have a strong intellect, with clear vision and clarity.  They love their food, have ruddy or rosey complexion, sleep well, and have inner peace and happiness.

When out of balance Pitta people can quickly become angry, irritable, controlling, judgemental and opinionated, they are prone to rashes, acne, fever and infections and  may experience interrupted sleep, acid reflux, headaches and diarrhea.

What drives a pitta to become out of balance

Food – Hot and spicy,  too many stimulants (coffee, chocolate, smoking and too much alcohol.

Sleep – Lack of sleep , late nights.

Energy – Overly focused, intensity at work or leisure, over stimulated.