
People with predominant Kapha constitutions are generally patient, calm, and steady they think things through before moving forward. They have compassion and are devoted and supportive. A focused mind, without being intense, love the comforts in life and being surrounded my love ones. Kapha people tend to be tall with well developed  bodies. They have lustrous, dark, thick and soft, hair with somewhat oily skin.

Attributes of Kapha Dosha

Cool, can present itself in the body as clammy skin, repeated colds, and cough.  Kapha people can easily suffer with the repeated colds and congestion.  To keep Kapha people happy, eat less sweet, sticky or heavy foods, focus on warm, light meals.

Heavy, Kapha people tend to have larger, body frames with heavy, dense muscles, with good stamina. They dont really like excercise and can become overweight easily. keeping a regular, excercise routine, and eating less sweet, sticky or heavy foods.

Slow Kapha people are slow moving , talking,  slow digestion and metabolism, causing  sluggishness in the body.

Smooth/Oily  Kapha people have smooth skin, sometimes oily hair and feces, they should limit oily or creamy food.

When in balanced, Kapha people are loving, warm and friendly, they tend to be good natural healers or artists, and are able to generate great ideas, with clarity of  mind and make money quickly.

When out of balance Kapha people can become lethargic, sentimental  and melancholy they may be overly attached, not wanting to let go, depressed , stuck and inflexible. Physcially they can suffer from weight gain due to sluggish digestion and inpaired agni.

What drives a Kapha to become out of balance.

Food – Heavy, oily, rich and sweet foods, , lack of varity and bland foods.

Sleep – Too much sleep and napping throughout the daytime.

Energy – Lack of movement or change, stagnation, attachment to routine, lack of excercise.