Ayurveda Doshas

Ayurveda is a personalised approach to health; by learning your individual mind and body type (Dosha) will allow you to make optimal choices about your diet, exercise, and all other aspects of your lifestyle. Nature made us all, what our body needs and what our body’s wants shouldn’t be in conflict. When you are in balance, you naturally desire what nurtures your health and life. 

Doshas are biological energies, these are found throughout the human body and mind and govern all physical and mental processes providing every living being with an individual blueprint for health and fulfilment. Doshas derive from the five elements, Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.

Live in tune with the Five Elements and by using what nature provides for the benefit of all, naturally grown food, herbs, plant medicine, bring health and harmony to the body mind and soul.

The main focus in Ayurveda is to understand the natural elements on earth and oneself, each element represents a Dosha in the body.

Element/Dosha – Ether/Air = Vata, Fire/Water = Pitta, Earth/Water = Kapha types Using the body’s internal clock, synchronising our bodies with the rhythms of nature is the key to a healthy life.

By following a daily routine  (Dinacharya), this can help boost our immunity, and keep the mind and body aligned with nature’s rhythms, attaining a state of optimal health and well being, perfect balance & harmony both internally and externally in relation with the nature.

Applying this knowledge to your own life will bring the body back into perfect harmony and balance.

Perfect Ayurveda